Tangan -tangan yang mau berkarya, ada disini

Friday, April 03, 2009

Biggest Fear of...

What fears do you have? and what the biggest?

"I'm Afraid of Cat and anything with fur" - eci, angel of mine -

"Is to be left to nothing when the world is crowded " -Melly, an extrovert person

"palasik(headless creature with babies as his food, sumatera)" -ardi

for me, what am i afraid with is when know that something i'm hold in to is no longer rigid. something you believe is right is no longer absolute. and to be left by others when you still hold tight to what you think is right.

... without darkness
Nothing comes to birth,
As without light
Nothing flowers.

what's yours?


  1. selama ini gw buka blog lo pake hape. pas beneran buka pake kompie, langsung gatel pengen komen. KUMIS LO ITU SENNAAAAAAAA. hehehehe. emang enak gitu? bukannya geli-geli? gyahaha.

  2. enak tau kaaaa....

    kalo ga percaya,,, coba deh shaving ka, tumbuhin kumis,,,

    katanya anak pepala... cobalah sesuatu yang baru dan menantang,,

    selamat menumbuhkan kumis ka, moga itu bukan ketakutan terbesar lo (biar komen nyambung ama posting')

  3. Ane ga gitu meratiin kumis si... Cuman mata ane langsung tertuju buat meratiin gambar kaos ente. Ternyata yang make rada2 mirib...

  4. ente bhro.. jauh jau dari s'pre buat nyama2ain ane ama kaos ane doang... update lah bang blog ente

  5. he? itu ardi ti 06?

    palasik? gyahahahaa

    eh senna, tukeran link nyok. aku di ayupratikto.wordpress.com

    happy blogging!

  6. for me, what am i afraid with is when know that something i'm hold in to is no longer rigid. something you believe is right is no longer absolute. and to be left by others when you still hold tight to what you think is right. ...

    hiii om...
    dari kemaren gw demen banget ama kata2 ini,,,
